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Kimmo Ylönen (born 1970) is an artist living and working on the island of Norrskata outside the South-Western coast of Finland. After graduating as a painter from Kankaanpää art school Ylönen soon took to sculpture, wood becoming his principal material.
Along the way Ylönen has used everytghing from cardboard to needles to common reed and rag rugs. Among other things he has walked through the most part of Finland and baked a four meter wide bread.
Ylönen has participated in numerous exhibition and...
Tiina Poutanen is a visual artist, a painter, and a poet, she acts as the president of Muodonmuutoksia association that combines science and art. Poutanen is a member of Finnish Painters’ Union, Tampere Artists’ Association, Pirkkalaiskirjailijat ry and a founding member and a honorary member of Rajataide ry. Her first poetry book Eläimet liikkuvat ilmaiseksi (ntamo) was published in 2013.
She has held many private and group exhibitions and been a scholar of Alli and Allan Salo foundation. Poutanen ha...
Petri Yrjölä maalaa kerros kerrokselta, harkiten ja mietiskellen. Pääsääntöisesti suurikokoisten öljymaalausten lähtökohdat ovat luonnossa – taivas aina avaruuteen asti, vesi ja sen eri olomuodot ja erityisesti metsä ja puut. Näistä elementeistä syntyvät näkymät kuitenkin symboloivat jotain suurempaa ja syvempää.
Petri Yrjölä on tumman valon mestari, pimeän ja tumman kautta kulkija, mutta jossain on aina myös valo. Vellova virta nappaa mukaansa ympäristön värit, huurteinen lammen pinta heijastaa...
Iro Kivi (b. 1970) paints images of the character of the mankind and humanity of animals.
Originally she was specialized in multimedia and photography.
The artworks are results of shamanistic painting process. She wants to bring invisible visible, and abstract concrete.
The work of Mikko Paakkola is a must for anybody who enjoys pure painting. The intense colors are constructed in pigments to show a landscape that forms a panorama of absolute silence. The rude character brings up the Nordic light, the mysterious atmosphere of the midnight sun, but also the unique character of the flat Belgian landscape - the landscape which has strongly influenced the painter.
Mikko Paakkola (*1961) graduated from Turku School of Fine Arts (1981-85) and made his postgraduate studies In...
I am finnish artist, born in 1963. At the moment I'm working on a cartoon called Spongeman. It is a project I’ve been doing for the past ten years. In these pages you can see some material from it.
Olen 54 vuotias suomalainen kuvanveistäjä, kuvataiteilija ja sarjakuvanpiirtäjä.
My paintings are usually based on an observation with a strong sense of relevance.
Through my working process I can make variations of these observations and consider options to existing reality. I get inspired by nature, light and traces of human in environment. Also working with colours fashinates me endlessly.
Olen pitänyt lukuisia näyttelyitä 80-luvulta lähtien Suomessa ja vähän muuallakin. Teoksiani on lukuisissa museoiden, liikelaitosten ja yksityisten keräilijöiden kokoelmissa. Tekemistäni julkisia teoksia ovat mm. "Gaian silmä" (1998) Turun Myllytunnelissa ja "Dominikaaniluostarin muistomerkki" (2005) Turun Olavinpuistossa.
Turun Piirustuskoulusta (1983-87) valmistuin taidemaalariksi, mutta valtaosa tuotannostani on kolmiulotteista; koneveistoksia, puuveistoksia, rakennelmia, installaatioita...
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