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Born in Ekenäs, Finland 1964 | Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.
The imagery in Susanne Gottberg’s paintings comprises quiet, tense moments and situations where something has just departed or will soon occur. In recent years, Gottberg has shifted from depicting nature and sceneries to interiors, examining different elements of furniture, studying fabrics and details of patterns. Gottberg challenges the viewer to experience emptiness and the expectations that come with it.
Kimmo Ylönen (born 1970) is an artist living and working on the island of Norrskata outside the South-Western coast of Finland. After graduating as a painter from Kankaanpää art school Ylönen soon took to sculpture, wood becoming his principal material.
Along the way Ylönen has used everytghing from cardboard to needles to common reed and rag rugs. Among other things he has walked through the most part of Finland and baked a four meter wide bread.
Ylönen has participated in numerous exhibition and...
Taiteessani pyrin tuomaan esille omaa mielenmaisemaani erilaisten hahmojen kautta.
Ihmisiä kuvaavat teokseni ovat pääosin henkilöistään irrotettuja muotokuvia, niin että ne toimivat omien ajatuksieni ja tunnelmieni välittäjinä. Teoksissani esiintyvät usein myös eläimet, luonto onkin suuressa osassa inspiroitumistani.
Teokseni ovat kirjottuja maalauksia, joihin yhdistän erilaisia tekstiilintekniikoita ja materiaaleja. Teoksilleni on ominaista kerroksellisuus, maalaamisen jälkeen luon niihin toista...
I am a visual artist and I have been working professionally for 30 years with different materials, such as industrial waste, metal, plastic, acrylic, polycarbonate and ready made-objects. Materials I use have no more any particular point, per se. More important is that they support the message behind the final work. Occasionally materials can act as inspirational catalyst, too.
I have done installations, site-specific works and various large and small pieces of artwork. Daylight, shadows, transparency...
Olen helsinkiläinen taidemaalari. Maalaan akryylillä ja öljyvärillä. Maalauksissani käsittelen ihmisenä olemista ja ihmisen suhdetta luontoon. Olen Taidemaalariliiton ja Helsingin taiteilijaseuran jäsen.
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