
Edition 1/5 + 2 ap / Covering is an attempt to cover human’s traces in the sublime nature. The playful point is the act of covering of some objects left in the nature – also trying to clumsily imitate some natural forms in the landscape. Earlier images in the Covering series have been photographer in Svalbard, the second part of the series has been shot in Iceland. If coal mining activity produces waste in the landscape in Svalbard, in Iceland it’s the exponential growth of tourism that affects the landscape. In 2017, almost 2,5 million tourists visited the island of little over 300 000 inhabitants. The travelers are looking for an authentic, untouched nature while they paradoxically wear the brittle lava stone and fragile moss fields. Everyone wants to see the melting glaciers. These photos reflect almost a useless, yielded effort to cover, repair or return something to its natural state. The series deals with the connection of human and nature. Humans have the urge to control, use and on the other hand to admire the nature.

Krafla, sarjasta/from the series Covering

Lasse Lecklin

Kehystetty pigmenttivedos

105 × 105 cm (M)



2 200.00
