
Edition 40 x 60 cm 2/5 + 2 ap (1200 e) / Edition 60 x 90 cm 1/3 + 1 ap (1600 e) / Places to Stop is a photography series about nocturnal gas stations shot around Europe and North America. On the road it sometimes feels like gas stations are all you see. They become places that should cater to all the needs of a traveller. The photographic series Places to Stop deals with the identity of a place. At first sight, the gas stations of international oil companies all look like similar examples of functionalism and effectivity-focused thinking. The connection between gas stations and the culture and community surrounding them is minimal. Finally, these places all start to look the same, in different countries and on different continents -­ they lose their identity and become a universe of their own. Or is that what happens after all?

Seo, Finland, sarjasta/from the series Places to Stop

Lasse Lecklin

Pigmenttivedos, diasec

40 × 60 cm (M)



1 200.00
